Our Balls are Second to Nun!


Just want to give you an update on yet another ball delivery.

I sent a ball to my cousin, Sister Dorothy, who is a nun. She was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease and was paralyzed from the waist up. Happily, with treatment she is improving steadily.

The ball has aided in her recovery because her therapy is to get moving. People toss the ball to her and she can easily catch it thereby using her hands and arms.

Needless to say, the ball caused quite a sensation at the convent and at the hospital. She took it to her rehab and they all loved it. None had ever heard of your wonderful balls and once again you and I have provided a large group of people with some fun and, most importantly, healing.

I’ve taken advantage of your ‘special’ and sent another ball off to a friend for her birthday.

Thanks for what you do…providing joy and encouragement!



Dear Lenoir;

Thank you so very much for sharing your story. I don’t know if I told you, but my sister and I send our children (we have 7 between us) to Catholic school, so stories like this to share with them help us to illustrate how our faith touches daily life.

I just adore stories like this – they truly do make my day and remind me why I do this kind of work.

Thank you again for sharing – I remember doing that ball – and I am so glad she is enjoying it!!!



Problem? No Problem!


I messed up big time! Help, please! I ordered two balls. BOTH should say “Have a Ball” but one looks like it says “HAD a Ball”. Please correct that. Also, If possible, may I add first names prior to “Have a Ball”? If so, please add Scott to the one going to Texas and Michelle to the one going to New Mexico. Please let me know you got this and whether or not the changes were made. Thank you so much. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.


I’ll fix it up no problem!


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate the outstanding customer service you provide. It is a pleasure doing business with you!


Japan’s Got a Thing for our Balls

This is the entry posted at http://www.keeho.com/?p=32.

I think, translated, it says WHAT A GREAT IDEA!

是 不是厌烦送别人这样那样的贺卡了?是不是厌烦受到别人乱七八糟的纸片了?设计再变,还是一张卡片,看完就不知道去拿了!有没有什么新鲜的方法送给别人祝 福?有!就不知道你能不能接受。来,送个球把(不是吹个球,吹个大气球那个…)!SendaBall就是能通过邮局邮寄的祝福球。其实本质上就是一个排球 大小的聚乙烯球。你可以在上面写上任何祝福的话。SendaBall印好以后,通过美国邮政一等邮件寄送(不骗你,真的可以寄!加3美刀,还可以寄国际, 虽然慢点…)。虽然和贺卡一样受到没啥大用处,但是对方会牢牢记住你!抓紧时间,到时候是个人都寄的时候就来不及了(就会有公司出来叫“寄个卡吧”)…生 产商:SendaBall Inc. 价格:19.95美元. 产品主页:SendaBall.

Send-A-Ball, the perfect BALLentine gift!

The balls I ordered went to our youngest grandchildren – 2 and a half years
old and almost 3 years old.

After the balls arrived the parents called us and each little boy screamed
with excitement over getting a red (thank you for making that perfect
Valentine color choice) Valentine ball in the mail. Each child assured us
their ball bounced really really high and told us about an added treat that
I had not thought of – getting to remove the stamps themselves!

I didn’t tell Grandpa how much these balls cost but after talking to our
little guys on the phone I doubt that he would even raise an eyebrow, but
since he didn’t ask I’m still not going to say.

Thanks for making two children very happy –

Making The World A Better Place One Ball at a Time!

This is our customer service policy in action!

The first letter:

To whom it may concern:

Hi!  My name is Alexeyeva Smith.  I just want to start off saying that I  think this is the coolest idea, ever!  Thank you for creating SENDaBALL. It’s just too fun.  I was first introduced to SENDaBALL by a co-worker of a friend of mine – she received a ball and together we all checked out  your web site.  Keep up the great work!

 This email is sent to you with sincere sentiments.  Attached you will find some pictures of the ball I ordered for my partner, Kyle.  Unfortunately,  it got damaged in transit.  As per the FAQ section of the web site  (What if the ball arrived deflated or popped?  Very rare, but not impossible. The post office has instructions to return the ball to US if it is deflated or popped and we will ship out a new one lickety split. BUT, on the rare occasion that a ball does arrive deflated or popped, PLEASE EMAIL  OR CALL US and we will ship out a new one. We have shipped thousands and thousands of balls, this is EXTREMELY RARE.),  I am sending an email. 

The bag the ball was delivered in did not have any instructions on how to send it back.  What do you think the next step should be?

Thank you for taking time to read this email.

I hope these words find you well and in good health and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Enjoy your day,
Alexeyeva Smith

SENDaBALL founder, owner, chief cook and bottle washer, Michele K., responds:


I am so sorry!
I am making up a new one right this minute and will take it to the post office myself at noon to PRIORITY MAIL it to him so he can get it before the Dec 18th date.

Gosh – I will also refund you.  I hate that this happened.  But thank you so much for the kind words and for understanding that sometimes things happen – the post office should have read the instructions on the ball to return it to me – but either way – i’m glad you emailed me so quickly.


And was our customer pleased?


Thank you for the email.  And thank you for sending a new ball!  That’s
just awesome.   🙂
Of course I understand things happen – that’s just how it is, sometimes.
No worries.  Thanks for being so quick to respond.  I greatly appreciate
it.  I can’t wait to see the look on Kyle’s face when he gets a ball!

Again, keep up the great work!  SENDaBALL is just amazing!

Alexeyeva Smith

Women’s World Magazine Coupon!

Dear SENDaBALL customers;

Just a quick note to let you know there is a coupon running in Women’s World Magazine for $5 off each SENDaBALL ordered before 12/31/07.

We didn’t want you to miss out!

Here is the Code to enter when you see the COUPON BOX: WWMAG

Here’s hoping you Have a BALL celebrating the season, we plan to DECK THE BALLS around here!

(this link should take you right to the store page www.sendaball.com/store)

Best Wishes,
Online Promo Code: WWMAG
Offer Expires December 31, 2007
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SENDaBALL, Inc. | 5341 N McVicker Ave | Chicago | IL | 60630

Fa la, la la, laaaa; la la, la, laaaaaaa!


“Deck the Balls” sounds either very athletic, or slightly risque!

Thank you for the coupon–and congratulations for being featured in Womens World. I sent my nephew a ball for his 5th (thank you for doing that) and it was a great hit. The mailperson was even impressed.

Happy Holidays and continued good luck and success,

